Warren City Council updated on Bryant Furniture building


The Warren City Council was updated on the progress of the Bryant Furniture building in downtown Warren at their monthly meeting on Monday, July 10. It was reported the city is waiting on the permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to continued working on the project and cleanup of the building. The county will help haul off the debris when they are able to schedule a time to do it. Sanitation manager and building official Rob Johnson said he hoped to have the project completed and cleaned up by September.

Warren Police Chief Shaun Hildreth presented his monthly report to the city council. He said the police department was short staffed with three officers short.

Warren Fire Chief Chuck Moore reported the Warren Fire Department responded to 22 calls in June. All the fire trucks passed the pump test.

Building official Johnson reported he had issued several building permits. The old Union Bank building, located on Pine Street, was being remodeled and will be a USDA building.

Street foreman Monty Hearnsberger reported the street department cleaned out ditches. The fire department also assisted with cleaning out ditches.

The street committee said they would put out bids to repave several streets in the city including, Lynn, Park, Stepps, Maple, Bailey, Cedar, JC Moss, and the school bus depot on Seminary.

Alderwoman Angela Marshall reported they had a good turnout for the first Community Citizen Advisory Committee meeting. She said the purpose of the committee is to get extra help from local citizens and provide an insight to the city council. The committee does not have authority over the city council.

The city received two bids for roof repairs to put up a pitched roof at the city park. The city council approved the bid from Shannon Gorman.

Dennen Cuthbertson was nominated and approved to be on the Parks and Recreation Commission.

The next Warren  City Council meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, August 14 at the Warren Municipal Building.