Harvey presents updates on empty lot


The Bradley County Quorum Court and County Judge Klay McKinney met on Monday, April 15, to discuss various issues. The court was opened with minutes from the previous meeting and a motion was made to accept the minutes. All were in favor. The treasure’s report was presented to the court. A motion was made to accept, and all were in favor. Next, the court voted to approve the sheriff’s report.

Dana Harvey then updated the court on the status of the empty lot on Cedar Street. Glen Lockeby and Ken King from Lockeby and Associates came and met with Harvey and the students from Warren High School’s EAST lab. Together, they went over the results from the survey that EAST lab had posted on Facebook. The students showed Lockeby and King the drawings that had been rendered by EAST lab. It was then agreed by everyone in the group that King and Lockeby would create two initial layouts for the project. On April 23, there will be another meeting with Lockeby and Associates and they will present two drawings to the community for consideration. Harvey also told the court that some of the original bricks from the previous building will be incorporated into the new structure. There will be a meeting at 11 a.m. on May 23 at the train depot in Warren to talk about the project.

“Our EAST lab kids are a good bunch of kids, and they are going to do well,” McKinney told the court. “They have been really involved and we appreciate it.”

McKinney then spoke to the court about the recent trip that he and Sheriff Herschel Tillman took to talk to a company that manufactures buildings used for jails. They were also able to tour a facility that the company built. McKinney said that they were very impressed with the buildings they saw.

“They can produce more jail space per dollar than I’ve ever seen,” McKinney said.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 20.