Hermitage City Council looks at proposed 2024 budget


Hermitage held its monthly city council meeting on Thursday, December 21. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Matt Cathey.

The city police report was given by Police Chief Ben Poole. He reported that the citations given for November were as follows: one for failing to stop at a stop sign, two for no proof of insurance, one for no vehicle license, one for driving on a suspended license, three for shoplifting, one for terroristic threatening, and two fictitious tags, totaling 11 citations. A motion was made and passed to accept the police report.

The fire report was presented by Assistant Fire Chief Tim Whitney. He reported that in the last month, there has been one fire. Whitney also reported that the city’s new fire truck is now in service. He reported to the city council that the new addition to the fire department is done and is very nice.

“It is more than what we expected, and I appreciate y’all letting us get it,” Whitney said.

A motion was made and passed to accept the fire report.

The Public Works Supervisor Travis Stanley presented the public works report. He told the council members that all water samples that had been collected and tested passed and everything was normal. A motion was made and passed to accept Stanley’s report.

The proposed budget for 2024 was examined by the council members. The council members went into executive session to discuss resolution 151 which is whether or not city employees will receive a raise in 2024. It was decided that the police department employees and the public works employee would receive a three percent raise. Motions were made and accepted for the proposed 2024 budget and resolution 151.

The next city council meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Thursday, January 18 at the Hermitage Community Center.