City of Hermitage receives update on sewer expansion


The Hermitage City Council met for their last meeting in 2022 last Tuesday.

The city council went into executive session to discuss personnel matters at the beginning of the meeting.

City Attorney James Hamilton reported the sewer expansion project was progressing. He said there was about a month or month and a half left. The supply chain issues cause them to wait on materials. He requested for the city council to allow him to check with the USDA on the project status. The motion was approved.

The city council approved for the Hamilton to stay on as city attorney for $180 per hour. He said it was an honor and privilege to serve the city of Hermitage.

Mayor Tonya Kendrix reported she applied and was approved for a $300,000 grant for street improvement. Work would begin in January. Assessments were done to choose the streets that need improvement.

Hermitage Police Chief Ben Poole reported three speeding citations, one no proof of insurance, one no vehicle license, two shoplifting and one no seat belt. There were eight arrests during the month of November.

The next city council meeting will be Tuesday, January 17 at the Hermitage Community Center.