BCEDC hears from BCMC


Bradley County Medical Center CEO Leslie Huitt was the guest speaker at the Bradley County Economic Development Corporation board meeting on Monday, February 27. She shared some of the challenges the BCMC is facing including maintenance issues on the hospital building. Huitt stressed that the building was safe to use and be inside.

This year, the BCMC installed new software. Huitt commented the current software was not updated to current times.

Huitt shared information about the Delta Region Community Health Systems Development (DRCHSD) Program. The program will provide $75,000 a year for telehealth services over three years.

Huitt said there was a growing concern over the hospital facility and the repairs needed. It was commented the hospital either starts now and work on what is available or build a new facility.

A new facility would cost around $30 million, according to Huitt. She said the cost for repairs would be between $5 to $15 million.

The hospital is currently a 25-bed critical access hospital facility.

Huitt told the board she didn’t want to pressure the BCEDC into taking any action, but she wanted them to be aware of what was happening at the BCMC.

“2023 is going to be very busy for hospital leaders,” said Huitt.

She said their goal is to educate the public on what is happening on the hospital.

BCEDC Board Director Dr. Bob Smalling said schools and hospitals are important to the community. 

In other business, the BCEDC board presented a resolution to the family of the late Sue Wagnon for her services and contributions to the community. Wagnon was also a long-time board member of the BCEDC. Her son, Clay Wagnon, and his wife, Brenda Wagnon, accepted the resolution on behalf of the family.

It was reported there were 20 members in the BCEDC. Stacey Gorman and Jon Stone were new members to the BCEDC.

The BCEDC executive committee requested to purchase a new plat map for $80. The purchase was approved by the board.

The BCEDC will also advertise for a part-time executive director.

Devin McDiarmid, from SEACBEC and BCEDC board member, said there were concerns about the education bill that was being discussed in the state.

The Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the Warren City Park on Saturday, April 1.

The next board meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, March 27 at the BCEDC Building.