Warren City Council votes against redistricting of wards


The Warren City Council met for a special called meeting on Tuesday, May 24. The council met to discuss the redistricting of wards in the city.

Each district is mapped out by census blocks. The population in Ward One fell behind the population of Wards Two and Three.

The city council was presented with three redistricting options in the city. The options were mapped out by EFS GeoTechnologies.

Alderman Joel Tolefree suggested leaving the city districts the same. He said he had concerns about the recent census being inaccurate. Warren Mayor Denisa Pennington said the city council had the option to keep the ward districts the same.

Alderwoman Memory Frazer said she disagreed with keeping the districts the same, but she understood the reason to keep it the same.

 After some discussion between the city council members, the city council decided to keep the Ward Districts the same.

The Warren City Council will have their regular monthly meeting Monday, June 13 at 5:30 p.m. The city council will meet at the Warren Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.