Taking Risks


He is not well known. In fact, he is only mentioned once in the Bible. Luke, the writer of the book of Acts, didn’t include the person’s name. From the world’s point of view, he probably was insignificant yet what he did had great significance.

“But Paul’s nephew-his sister’s son- heard of their plan and went to the fortress and told Paul.” Acts 23:16.

The 40 men who had vowed to murder Paul would not have been pleased if they had known what Paul’s nephew planned. It took real courage to go to the barracks where Paul was held. What if he was followed? What if it became known that he exposed the plot to kill Paul? It would have been easier and safer to keep quiet, but the young man shoved aside his fears and excuses.

God still needs people like that, people who are willing to do the right thing, when the cost may be high, people who are willing to say what he wants said even if it may not be well received.