Main Street Market opens downtown


On January 21, 2023, Maria Aguilar, Fernando Sedano, and Amber Sedano had the grand opening of their new business, Main Street Market. 

The store consists of a variety of vendors who each have a booth where they can set up and sell any new or used merchandise, as long as it is in good condition. 

The business is family owned and operated. They share all responsibilities, and everyone pitches in where they are needed.

Maria and Fernando are the Co-Owners, and Amber serves as the secretary for the business.

When asked what their motivation for opening the store was, Fernando stated, “Our motivation is to bring back business in our community, and to help other entrepreneurs start their own businesses.”

Fernando stated that they chose their location because they believe that the downtown area is the heart of Warren. He said they chose this location to bring the community together.

Fernando added that none of them had any previous business experience, and that this is a new experience for all of them. He said even though they are taking on this new endeavor, they enjoy providing help to their customers. 

When asked about the challenges they have faced since opening Main Street Market, Fernando said that one of the biggest challenges has been to get people in the community to shop local. He said that they want the local community to get to know them and see what they have to offer.

When asked where he sees the Main Street Market in the next five years, Fernando said, “We hope to inspire other entrepreneurs to start their own businesses.  Therefore, our community of Warren can grow bigger.” He continued by saying, “As for our business, we hope we can grow bigger and bring a different variety of products where people won’t have to go out of town, but will be able to shop locally.”

He then discussed how their business is helping to serve the growing hispanic population in the area. 

“Our store serves the Hispanic population in many different ways,” Sedano noted. “For example, our family based business is based off of Hispanic heritage, and the majority of our vendors are Hispanic.”

The family wants the local community to know that everyone is welcome. They are friendly, and they will help in any way they can. Their business has a variety of vendors, ranging from florists, home decor, gift baskets, crafts, clothing, jewelry, mini appliances, antiques, and much more. 

If you get a chance stop by and see them at 223 South Main Street in Warren.