Junior Rotarians share future plans with Warren Rotary Club


Special to The Eagle

The Rotary Club of Warren met Tuesday for its weekly meeting inside the Fellowship Hall at First United Methodist Church. This was the first day for Junior Rotarians to come visit the club with Sarah Forrest and Ashlyn Crawford of Warren High School attending the meeting.

Both young ladies visited with the club and shared their accolades and future plans with the group.

After the Junior Rotarians spoke, Rotary President Dennen Cuthbertson presented his own program. Cuthbertson talked about the Delta Region Community Health Services Development (DRCHSD) Grant that Bradley County Medical Center received earlier this year.

He gave some background on the program and all that it is helping the hospital with.

Cuthbertson also touched on his role as the Community Champion for this grant which involves him going out into the community and setting up a Community Connect event that will examine healthcare needs for the community and also reiterate the ones BCMC already provides.

He answered a few questions from the crowd to end the presentation.