
It seems that man has always had the insane urge to gamble. It has been there since the beginning of time. As a matter of fact, one of history’s greatest gambles took place before creation. In the dim and distant past, Lucifer, that radiant angel of wisdom and beauty, gambled for the throne of the universe. He lost in his pathetic attempt and is known today as Satan, the commandant of darkness. Now he knows full well the result of his horrible gamble. He marks time, plaguing the human race, as he waits for his final and eternal fate.

You can count on it! Gambling leads ultimately to ruin.

The Bible is not silent on this matter. It has a lot to say about the most insidious and dangerous form of gambling. Perhaps, today, you are involved in it. It’s the deadliest game in town. The tools are mortal life and the immortal soul. The stakes are heaven and hell!

As you read this, you have the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ, the son of God, who can revolutionize your life on this earth and secure your eternal salvation. You may leap at the opportunity, as the Holy Spirit brings you to repentance, or maybe, you will take the gamble and turn your back. You will lose! No one has ever gambled successfully and passed up the mercy seat of God.

Any time you fail to make God top priority in your life, you will lose. Think it through carefully. How can anyone put themselves against the God of the universe and possibly win? It’s not a matter of the odds being against you – there are no odds. There is no chance at all. The question is still valid, “How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).

Every time you turn your back on an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ you are gambling.

The Holy Spirit is dealing with you right now. Down deep in your heart you want to make a positive decision for Christ right now. So why not do it. The consequences of gambling is simply devastating. God’s eternal accounting day may come sooner than you or I know.

Living without Jesus is just not worth the gamble. On the other side of the coin, living with Him is worth everything in the world.