EAST students present survey to Quorum Court


EAST students from Warren High School gave a presentation to the Bradley County Quorum Court at their meeting on Monday, September 18. The students created a survey through Google about the lot across from the courthouse. The survey is open to the public. Aaron Barajas, Ashlyn Crawford, Sarah Forrest, and Jolie Trussell presented and shared the link to their survey. The survey is for those in the community to share what they want to replace the empty lot with.

The quorum court approved an ordinance stating the rules for mobile vendors doing business on county property. A permit will be required. It was stated “written permission, must always be present at the mobile vendor vehicle and available for inspection.

Mobile vendors must obtain the following before doing business in the city: a valid privilege city license; a valid liability insurance policy; a current health inspection, a valid driver’s license; a current inspection by an incorporated Arkansas municipality; proof of sales taxes paid; ensure compliance with all city and state health regulations; and must comply with all federal, state, and local laws.

To be on the lot, mobile vendor owners must fill out an application that can be picked up at the county judge’s office in the Bradley County Courthouse. The fee is $50 per day per food vendor. The money will be paid and collected in the collector’s office. There is also a two day maximum stay. The mobile food truck owners must remove all trash at their expense. There will not be exclusive use given to the location. The hours of operation will be from 6 a.m. until midnight per day.

County resident Edith Strong spoke to the quorum court about roads needing worked on at the cemeteries.

Bradley County Judge Klay McKinney said the county was struggling to find contractors to chipseal roads.

There will be a dedication ceremony at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, October 3 at the courthouse. The dedication will honor those who helped and served on the bell tower project as a thank you.

The next quorum court meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Monday, October 16 at the courthouse.