BCMC board receives positive updates on Meditech


The Bradley County Medical Center met for its monthly meeting on Thursday, March 28 to hear updates on financial reports, Meditech, and community involvement. The meeting was opened with approval of the previous meeting’s minutes.

The financial report was then presented. Surgery is up 26 percent. The hospital had a gross patient revenue of $3.4 million and an operating revenue of $1.4 million. There was a net income of $465,000.

Chief Executive Officer Leslie Huitt then presented the board with positive updates about Meditech. Huitt was able to log on to Meditech and show the board some of the tools that are being used by hospital staff. In the first regular meeting that was held since the implementation of Meditech, Doctor Conley had positive things to say about Meditech.

Chief Operating Officer Leeanna Williams told the board that a few community events are planned for the near future. On April 16, the second piece of the Action Planning will happen at the train depot from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. On April 2, diabetic education classes will be happening.

Chief Nursing Officer Jamie Wolfe reported that a camp for the Medical Applications of Science for Health or MASH program will again be held. In the camp, students can come and learn about the different medical opportunities that are at the hospital. The camp will happen on June 24-28.

The hospital will also have a booth set up on April 12 at the Hogskin Holidays. There have been some personnel changes recently. Three positions became available and two of those positions were filled. Wolfe also reported that different specialist with Meditech have come in to do what is called Post-Live Optimization.

“The changes that have been made should positively impact the physician workload,” Wolfe said.    

The board then voted on policies.

Huitt reported that a new HVAC system was needed in the surgery area of the hospital. The hospital was quoted a bid of $116,100.00 and the board voted to accept the bid and have the HVAC unit replaced.

Next, the board went into executive session. The next meeting will be on Thursday, April 25.