Bradley County Quorum Court discusses road and sanitation departments


The Bradley County Quorum Court held its monthly meeting on Monday, December 18, to discuss various issues. The meeting was opened with a motion to approve the minutes from the previous month's meeting. The motion was approved, and all were in favor. Reports from the treasury, sheriff's department, and the judge were heard and approved.

Judge Clay McKinney reported that on January 2, the road department will switch to a schedule of four 10-hour days instead of the previous schedule of five nine-hour days. However, the landfill will still be open five days a week.

The court also discussed Ordinance No. 791, which referred to establishing the budget for 2024. A motion to approve the establishment of the 2024 budget was made and approved.

McKinney then addressed the court and talked about the repairs made to the bell tower in the courthouse, the new roof that was put on the Extension office, and the four new trucks for the sheriff’s department.

“We accomplished a great deal,” McKinney stated.

McKinney also expressed his appreciation for Mayor Greg Reep and Sheriff Hershel Tillman for their support.

The next meeting will be at 6 p.m., January 15, at the Bradley County courthouse.